Long time buds, Binni & Skúli
Before we left for Binni's, I was surprised by the girls in the dorm with a birthday cheesecake and one of my favorite birthday gifts of all time to date, a bacon cup. We got the idea from this ridiculous Youtube video account called Epic Meal Time. In this show a group of guys cook the most calorie-ridden, fattening, grease-filled, bacon-dwelling concoction and in one episode they make a cup out of bacon and drink Four Loko out of it.
Me and Emily had been talking about trying to make one soon and Emily bought like 4 whole packs of bacon because she seriously wanted to make it. So Emily took it upon herself to figure out how to wrap a tin cup in bacon, cook it, and present it to me for my birthday. Hopefully pictures will be up soon, but it looked pretty darn good for a first effort. We didn't have any Four Loko, so we had to make it ourselves lol. Also, only the outside layer of the bacon weave wrapped around the tin cup was cooked, so when you took a bite out of it, half of the bacon was still raw. All in all, it was a stellar birthday, one I won't soon forget. The only thing I can ask for is MORE BACON CUPS in the future.