Monday, March 28, 2011

Fanfest Weekend

It's been a while since I've last updated this mainly because I don't want to bore everyone with my day-to-day life over here. I haven't gone on any trips outside of Reykjavik in a while but I've still been having loads of fun hanging out with people, playing football and not going to class (lol). This weekend was special in its own way though. Some of you reading this may have heard of the online PC game, EVE Online. Apparently this game organizes its own Fan Festival at Laugardalshöll, the sporting arena complex in Iceland every year. You need to buy a Fanfest pass to get to go to all the game developer Q&A sessions and whatever else that was available, but on Friday night there was a Chessboxing match that was available to everyone for free.

This was exactly what you would guess it would be. A round of chess, a round of boxing. I loved it. It was hilarious, really. Here is a video of the World Chess Boxing Championship to give you an idea of how it works.
 Saturday night, the FanFest continued with a concert featuring FM Belfast and Booka Shade. I highly enjoyed both bands. It was good to see that Iceland has at least one very upper scale venue with plenty of lights, speakers, and room for hundreds of people. 

It's finally starting to look like spring over here. The snow has almost all melted and temperature are finally in the 40's. The grass is trying so hard to make the change from yellow to green, but it's not quite there yet. Hopefully soon. I'll try to throw some pictures your way soon.